Plan 151 - New Jeevan Shree (with Guaranteed Loyalty Additions)
Insurance Type Exclusive plan for exclusive people
Min/Max age 18/60 years
Min/Max term 5-25 years
Maximum maturity age 70 years
Minimum sum assured Rs 500,000 + in multiples of Rs 100,000
Payment Mode All
Rebate for mode Yearly 3% | Half-yearly 1.5%
Policy loan Yes
Housing loan Yes
Double Accident Benefit Yes, Maximum Limit Rs 10 lakhs (inclusive)
For term rider
Min/Max age 18/50 years
Max age at maturity 60 years
Min/Max sum assured Rs 100,000 / Maximum sum assured upto twice the sum assured under new Jeevan Shree plan subject to a maximum of Rs 25 lakhs overall limit taking all term rider sum assured and term assurance option under new Jeevan Shree plan under consideration.
Tax Benefits Under Section 88 and Section 10 (10d)
  • Maturity: Sum Assured + Guaranteed Addition (@Rs 70 per 1,000 sum assured per annum + Loyalty Additions (depending upon the experience of the Corporation). * However no loyalty addition will be payable during first 4 policy years.
  • Term Assurance Option (Rider): The choice of additional death cover by paying additional premium. An amount equal to the term assurance sum assured is payable on death during the policy term. Guaranteed or Loyalty additions will not apply to the Term Rider Sum Assured.

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Infocentre Numbers
New Delhi: 011-332-9595 | Mumbai: 022-612-5555
Kolkata: 033-706-3582/83/84/85 | Chennai: 044-858-9830/31/32/33
Bangalore: 080: 224-5635 | Hyderabad: 040-323-6687
Pune: 020-553-6161 | Ahmedabad: 079: 550-7777